About the hotel

The Pelican Hotel

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The Company created this hotel in 1986 because we saw that the people of the small
communities didn´t had work and the kids were hungry. We were thinking on an
investment that could help the people and the nature, because lots of animals were killed by
the villagers that needed to sell animals fur and meat for having some food in the table.

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When we arrived people was angry because we were protecting their main economic
resource that was the animals trading but when we started offering them great opportunities
and a better job, they were really excited.

Now the main economic sector of this small town is tourism because the settlers work as
tourist guides, animal caretakers, chefs, gardeners, porters, craftsman, tradesman, some of
them teachers of Eco touristic activities and others.

A lot of people visit our hotel per year and rest really comfortable in their room, there are a
lot of rooms and most of them are for more than 4 persons. The hotel counts with a
beautiful beach, it is watched by life savers who also keep it really clean and check that
tourist doesn´t pollute the natural ecosystems in the ocean.
See the source image

The restaurant counts with a buffet at the evenings and a small bar. The food comes from a
small farm near to the pelican hotel, there some farmers raise the cattle and some water
animals like the salmon, oysters, shrimps, octopuses, crabs and lobsters.

See the source image
The pool is near to the beach and it was created with the purpose of chilling out during the
night when the beach is closed and also for leaving the kids with the babysitters mine while
the parents go into the seashore or swim and snorkel with some sea animals like sharks,
turtles and dolphins.
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