
The Chambers dining room has the same name as several restaurants near our town, this is because we have a financial agreement with the franchise which allows us to have several of their dishes on our menu and offer the same service of excellence and quality that they provide in their shops.


This is located about 30 meters from the Lobby, in the lower ground, specifically next to the pool on the right side and in front of it we can see the beach with a beautiful view of the sea especially at sunset. 

This offers us a wide variety of foods, whether typical or from the chambers menu, accompanied by beautiful candles on the table and the sound of the sea. The full service guarantees a variety of seafood that you can select to your liking (only 3 are selected) and two drinks per person (be it soft drink, plain flavored water, pina colada or a cocktail) The special service consists in our diner choosing the amount of food, the types of dishes and the drink that he wants. The restaurant gives us the security and comfort that the client wants because there will be a waiter specifically directed to your table for anything you need, also in our policies it is that if the dish takes 15 minutes to arrive at your table it is free regardless of your price.

The main dishes that we have and that allow us to have a very good reputation in our town are:
  1. Crustacean Combo 
  2.  Pepper pot 
  3.  Conkie 
  4.  Our excellent stewed chicken 
  5.  Special cuts 

These are available any day of the week and can be enjoyed both in the afternoon and at night, they are the ones that have highlighted us among one of the 3 best restaurants in barbados since their flavor is exquisite, with perfect cooking and a perfect flavor. unmatched.


We have our own schedule that will help everyone of you to know the perfect time for going to the restaurant.

·         Monday - Friday

            From 7 am to 9:30 pm

·         Saturday

           From 8 am – 10 pm

·         Sunday
1)      Morning from 8 am – 1 pm
2)      Special Dominical Brunch 2 pm – 6 pm
3)      Dinner 7 pm – 10 pm
The room service consists in bringing our restaurant food to your suit or room without an extra cost, this can be any of the main menu dishes but this doesn´t includes the complete service because for applying it you should be inside the hotel restaurant.

It is in function the 24 day hours without limitations but please if you can let our workers a tip it would be amazing.

The Principal eco resort menu offer us two types off food, the chambers food and the traditional food.

The chambers food consists on letting you taste the flavor of some special dishes from the Chambers restaurant chain.

*             Excentric Lobster

(Red Lobster with some vegetables and sauce)

*             Crustacean combo

(It´s a dish with crab, oysters, octopus, shrimp, and clams, everything just cooked and with a t delicious butter layer over the food)

*             Paella

(Spiced and boiled rice with the flavor of the sea food, shrimps, crabs, chicken, oysters, clams, sausages and tomato)

*             Shrimp soup

(It´s a bowl with broth, small shrimps, a bit of sauce and some spices for giving it a better flavor)

*             Special Cuts

(Any of the following cuts: A salmon fillet, skirt steak, beef steak, new york, rib eye, T-bone and filet mignon)

*             Ocean skewer

(A roasted skewer with shrimps and squid)

*             Fish soup

(Mojarra broth with some clams and octopus)

                           (Crustacean Combo)

                 The traditional food of Barbados is made up of the most representative dishes from the region and the ones who have the better taste and flavor.

*               Sea eggs

(Eggs from a sea urchin, with some beans, red sauce and fried sausage)

*               Cou-cou

(It has okra, corn and codfish or flying fish)

*               Jug-jug

(It is a dish with corn, guinea and peas)

*               Stewed chicken

(Chicken with curry and creole sauce)

*               Pepper pot

(A special dessert with some coconut milk)

*               Fish Cakes

(A pancake made up with codfish, wheat flour, and some extra ingredients)

*               Conkie

(Corn flour, cocont, sweet potato, raisins, spices and then it´s covered by a banana leaf)

(Stewed chicken)    

We offer you some drinks that can join with your food and you can share with your friends or family.

*Pina colada

*Flavor and fruit water

(Jamaica, orchata, watermelon, strawberry, tamarind and mango)


(Coke, Sprite, 7up, Fanta, Pepsi and Doctor Pepper)

* Water

For the big ones we offer them some cocktails that will chill them down and let them fill fresh with this ice drink, this for giving it a better feeling.

*    Old fashioned
*    Negroni
*   Daiquiri
*   Manhattan

They are prepared in the kitchen with our principal chefs: Flor Reyna, Francisco Lopez and Bruno Castaneda.

All the precautions are used in the chefs table, we sanitize all the tables every 2 hours so microorganisms can´t spread and develop, the vegetables are cleaned in a bowl with water and soap, then that water is used for watering the garden plants. The animals pass for a process where we clean them in a special machine so all the bacterias can die.

Then our chefs cook the dinner and the waiters send it to your table.


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